Week 4, and final week, of WIPWordSearch excerpts for November. Be sure to check out my books which are available on Amazon for purchase, as well as, Kindle Unlimited. First two books in the Children of Kaespars series: Shadows of Colesbrooke and Moonlit Woods. My third book will be released soon. Sign up for my newsletter for updates.
Shadows of Colesbrooke by Brandy I. Timmons: November Excerpts
November 25, 2023 – Rock
Several wicked looking lawn gnomes with mischievous expressions etched in their ceramic faces stared back at Thomas a few feet from the steps, each one holding a different musical instrument as if they were members of a #rock band.
November 26, 2023 – Reach
Thomas’ body ached for him to #reach out his hand and grab the mug, to lick the side of the mug and to drink. How could he consider that? Disgusted, he pushed it further away. His hand brushed the spill when he released the mug’s handle.
November 28, 2023 – Rhythm
Heavy thuds made the speaker cackle as they repeated with a slow #rhythm. Someone had to be breaking the wall as planned. Thomas watched the phone shake in Julia’s hands.
November 29, 2023 – Red
“Glad to see you’re awake, kid. Welcome to the #Red Lightning Pub. I’m your gracious host and wandering savior, Lawrence the Great. Lawrence the Brave. Maybe just Lawrence, the fella who saved your life.”
November 30, 2023 – Relax
Maybe it was an accident, maybe not. It didn’t matter. Thomas opened his hand, dropping shards of glass as he #relaxed his grip.
Not a single piece of glass had left as much as a scratch on his skin.
Moonlit Woods by Brandy I. Timmons: November Excerpts
November 25, 2023 – Rock
Helpless, Sean watched her go. She heard him mumble to himself as she #rocketed up the stairs. “I can’t do this.”
November 26, 2023 – Reach
In the middle of the forest, they would not see the moon #reach its zenith, but all werewolves could feel the curse inside growing more eager and desperate with each passing minute, and the potions’ buzzing was growing stronger with the wolves inside.
November 27, 2023 – Roar
“Thomas! Thomas! Get back here, boy,” Lawrence #roared. “You owe me your life. This is your family.”
“Maybe so,” Thomas said. “But they were my family first.”
November 28, 2023 – Rhythm
Pain throbbed in unison with Clara’s slow heartbeat. Each throb made her temples ache as if a hammer was slamming into them in a steady #rhythm.
November 29, 2023 – Red
Clara’s vision blurred with a #red haze. She could no longer see what the wolf was doing. She’d been forced out, and the wolf was in complete control.
November 30, 2023 – Relax
Clara sighed, grateful for at least one less thing to worry about. The knot in her stomach didn’t #relax.