My editor told me about a discord group she found on Reddit that is reading Stephen King in chronological order. She recommended it being a good place to start for re-involving myself in the internet world without overwhelming myself.
I’ve read a small handful of Stephen King books over the years, but I’ve never done a specific study or chronological reading of him. I fell in love with the idea immediately. A book club about Stephen King sounds interesting.
The group started a few months ago, so I’m a little behind. They’re currently on Sleep Doctor, so I picked up Carrie, Salem’s Lot, The Shining, and Sleep Doctor to speed through. I’m hoping I can catch up on all of them by the end of August so I can be ready to start fresh in September and be on schedule.

The books look wonderful on my shelf, so I think I’m going to stick with reading them all as paperbacks. It seems like a good way to add to my collection.
The group is also reading King’s short stories. I picked up Night Shift and am working on catching up. I’ve never read any of King’s short stories before, so this will be new ground for me!
I think I’m most excited to see how King’s writing has changed over his career and to read the evolution of his stories. He’s one of the most prolific authors out there, and this reading adventure will take a few years. But I believe it’ll be worth the (terrifying) ride.
So far, I’ve read Carrie and am halfway finished with Salem’s Lot for the group. I’d read both before, but it’s been a long time, so it was nice to get a refresher. I’ll be writing about my thoughts on those books shortly!