In December, I discovered the #VSS365 on Twitter. I watched it for a while, mesmerized by the amazing short stories, poems, and snippets I read from other writers that I had followed. But I never understood what the hashtag was or what people were writing about. At first I thought maybe it was snippets of their novels, but there was often reoccuring themes. Early January I was brave enough to ask Twitter’s writing community and learned the truth: it was a day word prompt.
It was time to join. I love writing novels and novellas. I enjoy short stories, but I don’t write them as often. Micro fiction isn’t something I’ve written in a long time. But any kind of writing, no matter the form or length, is beneficial to your writing growth, and I wanted to work on writing beautiful snippets of prose like so many of the other writers and authors I was meeting online.
So I threw myself head first. I didn’t write on the prompt every day, but I enjoyed myself. And I wrote on any random topic I could think of for my prompts. After several handfuls of prompts, I started feeling more confident and wanted to be more unique. I wanted to incorporate the prompts into what I love writing the most: supernatural fiction.
I’ve decided to compile my #vss365 snippets here so that they aren’t lost in the long feeds of Twitter. And I want to be able to read them again, revising and updating them for the future (they’re also saved on my computer). I’ve liked some of them enough to base stories off of.
Happy reading!
Get Started:
January Part 1
January Part 2
February Part 1
February Part 2
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