May 2024 WipWordSearch Excerpts Week 4

WIPWordSearch Excerpts for May 2024 for week 4. My books are available on Kindle Unlimited. First two books in the Children of Kaespars series: Shadows of Colesbrooke and Moonlit Woods. Sign up for my newsletter for updates.

WipWordSearch Excerpt for May 2024

Shadows of Colesbrooke by Brandy I. Timmons: May WIPWordSearch Excerpts

May 25, 2024 – Nap

No word found.

May 26, 2024 – Never

Emergency personnel and doctors swapped descriptions of strange wounds they’d encountered during night shifts. Thomas had #never come across any such victims during the day shift—until now.

May 27, 2024 – Nice

“What’s up, man?” he asked. “#Nice to see you in the land of the living. It’s been what, a week? How’s life in the sick bay?”

May 28, 2024 – Not

“And I hope I’m always in the land of the living. If I’m in the land of dying, I’m #not doing my job right.”

May 29, 2024 – Now

It’d taken a little getting used to, but #now her name and her gypsy den felt like home away from home.

May 30, 2024 – Neat

When he peered into the box himself, all Thomas could see were #neat rows of what he thought were shotgun shells.

May 31, 2024 – Near

The man flashed his fangs as he looked around the room and dumped the pile of medical supplies #near the door.

Moonlit Woods by Brandy I. Timmons: April WIPWordSearch Excerpts

May 25, 2024 – Nap

No word found.

May 26, 2024 – Never

Vampire problems were #never small.

May 27, 2024 – Nice

Leon didn’t much care if the wolves he picked up could play #nice with others, so long as they offered him their wholehearted devotion.

May 28, 2024 – Not

For a moment, Thomas looked as if he was about to speak up, and by the look on his face, whatever he had to say was #not going to be positive. Artemis shot him a pleading glance, and he stayed silent.

May 29, 2024 – Now

Were they really fighting over cookies right #now? It just seemed so . . . out of place.

May 30, 2024 – Neat

A glass counter full of all sorts of bizarre, hand-carved charms, and curious odds and ends on full display had been placed in front of a series of shelves with all manner of ancient papers and tomes piled #neatly upon it.

May 31, 2024 – Near

A vampire was #near her apartment.

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