May 2024 WipWordSearch Excerpts Week 1

It is May! I cannot wait for summer. My next book will be released soon and I am so excited. WIPWordSearch Excerpts for May 2024 for week 1. My books are available on Kindle Unlimited. First two books in the Children of Kaespars series: Shadows of Colesbrooke and Moonlit Woods. Sign up for my newsletter for updates.

Shadows of Colesbrooke by Brandy I. Timmons: May WIPWordSearch Excerpts

May 1, 2024 – Night

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - night

She was among the growing list of extreme and usual physical assault injuries in Colesbrooke. Emergency personnel and doctors swapped descriptions of strange wounds they’d encountered during #night shifts.

May 2, 2024 – New

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - new

“It’s what you need, kid. You’ll feel right as rain, better than a spring chicken, firing on all cylinders, bouncin’ off the walls, brand spankin’ #new after a little bit of red stuff.”

May 3, 2024 – Note

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - note

At the same time, Sara scribbled #notes on papers and handed them to other vampires, directing them to safety or giving them odd jobs.

May 4, 2024 – Name

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - name

“You know what? Take it easy for a minute there. Here, the #name is Lawrence. Call me Lawrence. Just Lawrence. Not Larry, Lawry, Laze, and never Louie, got it? Last one to call me Louie got dealt some real trouble, don’t you go forgettin’ it.”

May 5, 2024 – Nerve

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - nerve

His entire body was consumed by fire, racing through every #nerve like lightning. Sharp, stabbing pain accompanied each ragged breath and started a new, intense wave of fire.

May 6, 2024 – Numb

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - numb

#Numbness overcame Thomas and he just stood there, glancing between Dr. West and Gary.

May 7, 2024 – North

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May 8, 2024 – Neglect

May Wipwordsearch excerpt - neglect

“No, I’m fine. I’ve already got a new job,” Thomas replied softly, #neglecting to tell Gary the new job was at a pub. “I’m serious. Thanks for worrying, but I’m okay. I’ve just . . . had some stuff I needed to work out.”

Moonlit Woods by Brandy I. Timmons: April WIPWordSearch Excerpts

May 1, 2024 – Night

She could sprint for an hour before she needed a short break, and she could trot the entire #night without tiring. No normal prey stood a chance against her and her pack.

May 2, 2024 – New

The #new pack closed in on her, their calmness uncanny. Clara had so much adrenaline pumping through her system that her inner wolf already had its teeth in her. One wrong step and she would lose control.

May 3, 2024 – Note

“The war among the accursed blood suckers was heavy indeed. Yet a high price was paid to make certain none of the eldest of their kin took #note.”

May 4, 2024 – Name

As Clara and Benjamin approached, the store sign grew more legible, announcing the #name of the place like a splintered whisper.

May 5, 2024 – Nerve

Clara smiled. He could be so dumb sometimes. Her #nerves melted away.

May 6, 2024 – Numb

Or had they been #numbed to death and simply didn’t care about the possible consequences of their actions? Or did they feel invincible somehow?

May 7, 2024 – North

The drag marks lead #north, and if what they said about a river was true, then all Clara needed to do was get to that river. If she could make it there in her wolf form, she could phase back into human as soon as she hit the waters, completely masking her scent as she rode the current to a safer distance.

May 8, 2024 – Neglect

No word found.

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