In honor of my American followers, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving this fall season. I love this time to express gratitude and spend time with family. Of course, the food is an added bonus.
There is so much to be grateful for this season. Perhaps you have noticed already, but I have been posting things that I am grateful for on my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. It has got me thinking about what is really important to me; I love that I was able to do this. Here is what I was grateful for this week.
First, I am grateful for fingerless gloves. There were be a lot less writing on my part without them, considering how cold it is getting. I love the cold, and I love being able to keep writing! Thank goodness for gloves that get me through my writing sessions.
Second, I am absolutely indebted to a wonderful, wonderful family. They have always been there, and I love them dearly. Who else would humor my crazy writing habits so well?
Third, I am grateful for Netflix. Netflix is the perfect way to relax and procrastinate away the day. Turns out, it also is great for getting me writing! I love to binge Stranger Things, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Supernatural.
Fourth, I’m grateful for the books that inspired me to get my hands dirty and write. I am, after all, a sucker for the classics. Frankenstein, Dracula, The Call of Cthulhu, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and The Tale-Tell Heart all send delicious chills down my spine. I can’t get enough.
Fifth, I am grateful for my amazing book trailer designer. For those who haven't seen it, I released the book trailer for Shadows of Colesbrooke just last week on my Twitter account! It looks wonderful, and I am so grateful for my designer who put it all together so well.
Sixth, I cannot express how grateful I am for my publisher, Book Development Resources! They have been there every step of the way. My series would not be possible without them.
Seventh...and most importantly...I am grateful for YOU.
The readers and fans of Shadows of Colesbrooke. YOU deserve the most praise and love from me. As much as I love being a writer, I know I could not get anywhere without you. Thank you for trying out a new author, for showing such support, and for being part of this adventure with me.
Happy Thanksgiving!